[About Me]

Q: What are your vices?
A: Online shopping, OK shopping in general. CHEESE, I just can't seem to give this one up. Also, Starbucks, duh! The craving almost always happens when I'm in the car and I'll be like "Ooo, I bet there's a Starbucks near!" Then bust out the Starbucks App. 

Q: What is your greatest fear?
A: Getting in a car wreck. The sound alone freaks me out. I just imagine the whole thing in slow motion and it gives me chills. Maybe, that's why I drive like a grandma. 

Q: What is your biggest flaw?
A: I think I'm too detail oriented because I tend to let the small things get to me. Which I think has turned into slight OCD.

Q: If nothing mattered, where would you move to?
A: It's hard to imagine nothing mattering, but I guess I would choose California. The Hollywood Hills. In one of those huge mansions with flowers and lemon trees (you said nothing mattered so I'm assuming I have unlimited funds too).

Q: Where would you like to travel to?
A: I think I would really enjoy Italy and Australia. Honestly, I would like to travel to Korea and South Africa to adopt some children. Just one in each place; I'm not going to get too carried away. At least in my mind I'm not.

Q: Who are your role models?
A: My Parents. They've raised me to be the person I am. They have always taught me right from wrong, shown me the way, inspired me and shown me how to love. Granted, I don't always do things the traditional way, they still love me. I'm not sure what I will ever do without them.
My Family! {Bailey is the white fluffy one} & {Bentley is the small cow looking Chihuahua}
Oh, and of course, Andrew!

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