As I'm sitting here drinking my coffee from my "newbie" mug (not), I'm quite nervous about my first post. What do I write? Am I even that interesting? Are people going to care what I have to say? I almost feel like I'm Justin Bieber about to hit the stage in front of thousands of screaming girls. Okay, maybe I'm not that nervous, but I always did hate public speaking class.
YOLO, right? (Did I really just say that?)
Here goes nothing...
These past couple of weeks have really had me thinking about starting a blog. Reasons being, I've had several people asking me for recipes, tips and advice. That's kind of what you want from a blog, right?
Well, let me start off this blog telling you a little about myself. I'm just a young pup, at 26 years old. I've been dating my boyfriend, Andrew, for almost 9 years...yes, 9 years. And no, we aren't engaged or planning on it any time soon (as far as I know). I LoVe where we are in our relationship and how much we've grown together. Being together since we were 17 & 18 has taken us down some rocky roads. Can you imagine going through college together, making it through both 21st birthdays and going through the whole partying phase? I'm not even sure how we made it out of there safe, but the point is, we did and he is my LOVE. My CFO told me the other day that "If you can make it through that, you can make it through anything." She was actually referring to our renovations we just did to our house (WHOLE first floor). We are truly best friends and tell each other everything! He really does make my life complete. (awww)

Later, you know, when I get more courage to reveal more details about my life...maybe I'll share some of the crazy and funny bloopers we take.
Andrew and I also have two little four legged children! Bailey is an American Eskimo miniature, she's eight, and Bentley is our little cow chihuahua and he is seven. We love them, miss them and spoil them like they are seriously our children. Here's a couple of pictures:

Andrew and I also have two little four legged children! Bailey is an American Eskimo miniature, she's eight, and Bentley is our little cow chihuahua and he is seven. We love them, miss them and spoil them like they are seriously our children. Here's a couple of pictures:
Now, on to what I do for a living; I am an Interior Designer, not a decorator. I honestly can't stand that word. A decorator just picks out colors, furniture and finishes. Trust me, I do that too, but I have a Bachelor's of Science degree and it's a Bachelor's of Science for a reason. I have learned the building construction and safety codes, I work on AutoCAD on a daily basis and my designs are also based on egress, planning, accessibility and materials. I am not a residential designer, I only do commercial spaces. I don't do residential for a reason...messing with someone's personal space really does scare me; too many opinions and emotional decisions to make, and don't forget the pressure of messing up someones HOME. No thank you.
Being an Interior Designer, you would think I'm very "right-brained," but I tend to think I am mostly left-brained with a sprinkle of right-brained talents. I am very mathematical, logical, rational, detail oriented, and of course, sprinkled with a little creative-ness.
I also LOVE to shop! A lot of people would say I'm a shopaholic, but I say it's only a problem if you don't actually have the money to be doing it. I love going to Peddler's Mall on Sunday's to see what kind of treasures I can find. I think the one in Middletown (Louisville, KY) is the best! I have a few favorite booths I can always count on finding something to buy. Half Price Books is also another one of my favorite spots to find "loved" things people passed on to others like me! I find cheap & cute shelf fillers or coffee table books there. (I see a future blog post about this!)
In a nutshell; I love fashion, design, organizing and finding ways to do things myself for a cheaper price! Well, of course, unless that's any kind of handyman work. I'd much rather pay the price for the labor to get it done faster.
Well, I think that's about it...
My hopes for this blog?
I hope to bring education, inspiration and creative ideas for the home, closet and heart.
Please feel free to fill out the question to the left on my page. This will help me know what my readers are interested in. Thanks so much for reading my first post!
your blog popped up on my FB newsfeed and i had to pop in to see what you're up to these days! blogs are really fun for documenting life - i hope you enjoy it! hope all is well lauren!!