Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Playing With Vinyl

Over the past few weeks, I have purchased several vinyl decals from Etsy.
Here is my journey of transforming a few items around the house!

I bought a Martha Stewart Vintage Canister, but it came in with "SUGAR" and I was expecting "COFFEE." I got it on sale and used a coupon, so I thought, "I'm just going to make lemonade out of these lemons!" The back side of this canister is blank, so I turned it around and ordered a "COFFEE" vinyl in yellow!

I've never applied a vinyl decal before, but OMG it is super easy!
So easy, I attempted more projects all in the same night!

The BF always, I mean always is asking "Have you seen my keys anywhere?"
So, here is the solution I came up with. 

We ventured out to Peddlers Mall {my favorite place} and I was on the lookout for 2 things: one being an oblong or rectangular white dish. Found this beauty for $2!!

Added the key decals and voilà!

The other thing I was on the lookout for at Peddlers Mall was a cup, pitcher or mug that I could put my makeup brushes in. This task was harder than I thought because it needed to be the right height and have enough room for all of my brushes. 

OK, so she needs a little work....

 So, spray painting I go...

So cute, right?
And SO easy!!

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