Monday, June 24, 2013

Weekend Rewind

Another weekend has come and gone.
The 1st official weekend of Summer!

That's exactly how I feel too, little man. Bummerrrrr.

My weekend was relaxing, exciting, eventful, scary & full of firsts. I almost felt like we were in a movie half of the time. A Scary movie at that! I'll just keep it short and sweet... here's what it involved:
making vodka gummy bears then forgetting to pack them #fail *1ST*
ridin' in the back of a pickup in the middle of the night *1ST*
yelling Yeeee-hawwwww {a lot}
a tree that fell over in a storm blocking the road & all the guys thinking they could move it (hilarious)
getting pulled over on the lake (who makes a lake dry anyway?? can you say oxymoron?) *1ST*
waking up hungover
cornhole [of course]
Getting caught in a storm..a for real storm! Oh, and we were on the boat in the lake! *1ST*
finding animals: toad, turtle, ducks, bones in the backyard (Ew)
jell-o shots

Guys making breakfast...what what??

Straight redneckin' in that truck with no shirt. Yee-haw!!

We found a turtle while the guys were getting the boat out of storage... He was hoarding cigarettes. 

A momma duck and her babies! So so cute! We fed them chips!

Bailey was knocked! Too much action for her.

Cool, calm and collected.

Bentley loved the sun!

At one point, he even refused to come inside.

More ducks! 

Please ignore the pale legs and look at the STRAW-BER-RITA! Mmmmm


It was sunny one minute.......

then...HERE COMES THE STORM!!! ah!

Everyone was so soaked!

 It was so funny and we all had a blast! That's what matters anyway!
Hope your weekend was just as eventful!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sprucing up the back patio!

Let me just give you a little background.
 I have a regular full time job as a Design Manager for a local development company, but I also kept my part-time job that I had while in school. That being the lovely retail store, Tuesday Morning Inc. I've been there for 11 years and counting, holy cow! Let's face it, and call it how it really is: I only work there for my discount. For real. End of story. Trust me, no retail job will ever help pay the bills. I spend way more than I make, easily.

Anyway, this part-time job helps me find DEAL OF THE CENTURIES and this post is about one of them!

I have been looking for 2 Adirondack chairs for probably 2 months now and I almost bought them from World Market a couple of days ago for $70.99 + 10% off. 

Thanks goodness I didn't! When I went in to work on Sunday, my manager said she found some chairs in the back that she thought I might want. {This is the great thing about working there for so long, they know my style!} She said they are marked down to $79.99 then 60% off!!!! ummm... I don't even need to see them, I'll take 'em! THEN, then she said "On Tuesday they will be 80% off!" uhhh plus my discount! OMG I was about to fall over right there! Seriously, Tuesday took forever to come! I was like a kid on Christmas morning! I even went on my lunch break to go pick them up! Oh course I bought a lamp too. 

My total? oh, my total... you want to know? 
HA I left the store paying a whopping $47.48

Lamp- Orig $39.99, I paid $19.19
Adirondack Chairs- Orig $119.99, I paid $12.80 each {warning: this is not a typo}

Deal of the century I tell ya! They are a really nice quality, wooden, perfect size, oh and they even FOLD to store away in the winter! Perfect.

Green Geometric Cushions

Threshold from Target

You can't live in the South and not have a fern! It's pretty much against the law. {joking}

This tree we planted 2 Springs ago and it is HUGE!

Bailey wouldn't leave me alone as I was taking pictures. Typical.

View from the chair

Who doesn't love succulent plants?

NEXT TASK? Paint the back door yellow!

Friday, June 14, 2013

DIY Father's Day Cards

Father's Day is this weekend!
Are you prepared? Do you have your gift wrapped and ready?

Or, are you the "oh sh*t, it's this Sunday?" type?

Here are a few homemade cards that I did in PowerPoint. Super easy! Handmade cards are always the ones that warm the heart! So, to make this be handmade; print out the one of your choosing and place on some card stock or construction paper. Write a little message and voila! Easy, right? My dad has them on his desk in his home office... he seriously loves them! 
TIP: it never hurts to put a recent photo of you two on the inside!

If you have a handyman dad like mine, this card is perfect!

Have a professional businessman dad? 
How cute is this card??

I also made a general Father's Day card for all of the other pops out there!

dad-libs! {awesome}
How fun is this???

All made by yours truly!
ENJOY & I hope you all have a great Father's Day!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Essie Obsession

You know you can't live without a lil essie in your life either! It's so hard to resist every time you visit Target. It's amazing how those little bottles jump in the cart! {wink wink}

Here are my top 5 polishes from their latest collections:

beyond cozy - metallics By Essie
Beyond Cozy
{a decadent silvery gold glitter} 

A girl can never have enough glitter. OK, maybe some people can. 
{within reason people, within reason}

hip-anema - pinks By Essie
{a poppy bright red-orange}

This looks like the perfect deep coral! It actually would match my shirt I'm wearing today!
{I think that's a sign, for sure, that I need this}

madison ave-hue - pinks By Essie
Madison Ave-hue
{a chic upper east side pink}

I'm pretty sure the description says it all! PERFECT pink for summer!

in the cab-ana - blues By Essie
In the Cab-ana
{self assured aqua azure}

Can't you just imagine yourself laying by the pool with an umbrella drink? Piña colada please!

dj play that song - plums By Essie
DJ Play That Song
{jam-miest neon plum}

Your feet are already moving, aren't they? This is the perfect party polish! Girls night anyone?

Father's Day Ideas

Father's Day is approaching us fast! In reality, your Dad will love anything you get him. Sometimes it is hard because more than likely he has everything. Here are some ideas and helpful tips that might get your wheels spinnin'!

AWP HP Polyester Open Tote Tool Bag
TIP:  go through your Dad's tools and see if any of them are rusty or broken. This will help you find out what he needs. Get a card and write "I saw your ______ had a little rust, so I knew this gift was a must!"

This is great for small paint jobs like touch ups and trim work. Buy a brush and paint tape to put in the cup for a complete gift!

Approach S1 North America
This gadget wakes him up, tracks how far he walks and measures shots on 18,000 courses!

Park & Sun Sports Bocce Tournament Set - Dick's Sporting Goods
Backyard fun for everyone!

Aren't these the cutest things for a handyman dad? He can put them on his desk or in the garage on his workbench!
Your dad a coffee or tea drinker? This "Top Pop" mug is a fun way to remind your dad that he's #1!

Concert Tickets are always a winner in my book!

Is your dad the family chef or king of the grill? If so, this is perfect for him!